express praiseの例文
a praise chorus
Von Bohlen also sang in his longtime friends'and former tour mates, Jimmy Eat World song, " A Praise Chorus . " earning him a platinum record. Davey von Bohlen ( The Promise Ring ) contrib......

above all praise
In this he was truly unique and his merits where above all praise. Upon moving into the home in August 1837, Longfellow wrote to his father, " The new rooms are above all praise, only the ......

all praise
All praise belongs to you, the Lord of all worlds. All praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the world. Members queried on their feelings about praise dance all praised it. He deserves all ......

award praise
The citation accompanying the award praised Hertog for " enlightened philanthropy on behalf of the humanities. The committee for the Patrick White Award praised Zwicky as " one of Australi......

be full of praise for
"Once upon a time the winning captain would be full of praise for the umpires and the losing captain " would be less than glowing, he said.

bestow praise on
Even if certain articles by the author of " Les affaires sont les affaires " ( " Business is business " ) bestow praise on 蒻ile Zola, toward whom Mirbeau was not otherwise so kindly dispos......

beyond all praise
Their skill, energy, and perseverance has been beyond all praise. Her attention to the wounded soldiers was described as beyond all praise. Danger they scorn, and the cheerfulness with whi......

beyond praise
McBeath throughout three days of severe fighting was beyond praise . }} Vincent Kling in his review considered it to be " beyond praise ". His tenacity and devotion to duty were beyond pra......

book of common praise
NOTE : Some versions of the hymn used by different Christian denominations omit some verses and change the phrase " Christ, our God, to Thee we raise this our sacrifice of praise " to " Lo......

cathedral of praise
Cathedral of Praise have aired in different TV Networks. Also, the main campus of the Cathedral of Praise is located along Taft Avenue. Pastors Ryan and Diane Millanar are the Branch Pasto......

christian praise and worship
The awards were created in 2000 to recognize the achievements of worship leaders and innovations furthering Christian praise and worship. Markovich is currently a clinician and concert art......

come and praise
The hymns from both volumes were published together in " The Complete Come and Praise " in 1990.

common praise
Common praise for the game by critics is aimed at the new multiplayer and practice modes. The most common praise for it was what multiple reviewers describe as addictive gameplay, stylish ......

criticism and praise
The design of the PSFS Building elicited both early criticism and praise. One who shared the criticism and praise with members of both teams. Funston's actions were later assessed with a m......

damn with faint praise
To recommend most of them is to damn with faint praise. Your speech was a first-rate demon stration in exactly how to damn with faint praise. The music produced by composers such as Mendel......

damned with faint praise
In exchange for the access, Roberts damned with faint praise. Those plans appeared to have been damned with faint praise from leaders of the Sept . 11 commission. He is damned with faint p......

damning with faint praise
Is that what's known as damning with faint praise? Maybe that's damning with faint praise. Q : The expression " damning with faint praise " comes to mind. Equally, editorial irony and damn......

dance praise
Additionally, the track is a playable song on the Original Dance Praise video game. A Christian version of DDR, named Dance Praise, has been made by Digital Praise. Songs from expansion pa......

dance praise 2
Minigames can be added to " Dance Praise 2 " via some expansion packs. Dance Praise 2 can use the dance pad not only for dancing, but also for single-player minigames. The song list can be......

day to praise
As part of the praise worship celebrations, Day to Praise produced songs, inspired by the Hallel Psalms. Now that we've had a couple days to praise and mourn the man, maybe the gentle back......

decree of praise
Pope Pius IX granted the order the decree of praise on 7 June 1871. Her order received the decree of praise from Pope Paul VI on 24 May 1967. The order received the papal decree of praise ......

digital praise
This song is on the Digital Praise PC game Guitar Praise. This song is featured on the Digital Praise game Guitar Praise. The song is on the Digital Praise PC game Guitar Praise. It is the......

dynamic praise
Currently, Dynamic Praise is led by Oakwood University student, Bryce Davis. His mission is to continue the legacy of Dynamic Praise in any way possible. After much discussion, the name Dy......

eddings point community praise house
In addition to Frogmore Plantation and the Penn School Historic District, the Emanuel Alston House, Dr . York Bailey House, Coffin Point Plantation, Coffin Point Plantation Caretaker's Hou......

every praise
It was also said that not every praise has to be countered with criticism; I know that to be the case, but just about every praise in the article goes unchallenged. It was also said that n......